Outline permission for nine new homes on this site in Weston Turville, Buckinghamshire was granted at appeal in January 2016. The Reserved Matters application was granted consent in November 2016.
The area of the site is approximately 0.86 hectares and currently comprises an open field, small paddocks and the buildings and access of a small hobby farm. There is an existing access point off New Road which provides both vehicular and pedestrian access to the site. To the south eastern boundary of the site is the established settlement of Weston Turville which consists mainly of two storey properties fronting on to New Road.
The design layout repositions the site entrance further south of the existing access to ensure a simple linear field access to the adjacent paddock land is provided. The layout concentrates development into the central area of the site to enable larger green corridors of open space to be incorporated. The positioning of the proposed properties addresses the green open spaces to the front and rear of the site providing open views and a level of surveillance in both directions.
The development includes a range of four and five bedroom houses and draws much of its design inspiration from the historic existing properties located in the village centre. The proposed material palette corresponds to the materials used throughout the village in order to create a sympathetic relationshipwith the existing character of Weston Turville and helps facilitate a natural transition between the existing buildings and the proposed residential development.